I posted about bottle caps back in December, and ideas for what I should do with them. I now have even more bottle caps and still havn't done anything with them.
I came across this jewellry designer, Yoav Kotik (click the link to check out his website) who uses bottle caps to make unusual necklaces, bracelets, rings and other pieces.
They look a little tricky to make but they've given me some ideas of where to go and what other possibilities there are for using up my bottle caps.
He also makes these unique flowers from bottle caps
I also came across different uses for them, as keyrings, or putting photos or other trinkets in and filling the bottle cap with araldite to hold it in place. I also came across them being used as beads which I thought was a particularly unusual way of recycling them.
Using them as magnets was another idea, I'll keep you posted on whether any of these ideas work out