
Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Designer Feature: Faye Brown

I have the fabulous Faye Brown today, she was kind enough to interview me and feature me on her blog last week so I will begin with a big thank you to Faye for this =)

On with a little about her, Faye worked in motion graphics for over 10 years before going into surface pattern design.  After the birth of her son she enrolled on 'The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design' alongside myself and other designers I have featured before.  She has always loved designing cards and patterns but didn't know that side of the industry.  Since finishing the three modules she has created a new website, launched her first card range (which are gorgeous!) and has been commissoned by Funky Giraffe Bibs as well.  Which is a fantastic start and I can definitely see her going from strength to strength in this industry.

Her son is a big inspiration for her and she loves to design for the childrens market, her designs below are all childrens patterns and would work perfectly on childrens apparel, bedding or wallpaper designs for childrens bedrooms.  I know my little brother would love the little robots and funny monsters!She has a lovely bright and bold style with quirky characters!

Faye is currently designing a full set of wedding stationary for a friend which is an area she plans to persue in the future.  I always like to ask for a quirky, unusual bit of information about my featuree's and Faye's is that she has a green Blue Peter badge! I always wanted a Blue Peter badge as a child, Faye recieved this for writing about the environment when she was 12, I'm sure she will treasure it for life =)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely feature, Emma! Faye is always bursting with ideas & her fluffy pink monsters are gorgeous!
