
Thursday, 9 January 2014

Amazing Knitted Sculptures!

I'm back with some more unusual arty finds!  We have a bit of a craft theme for this post, I came across this article about an exhibition at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's.  Fitting in with the 'botanic' theme they put on an exhibition of knitted plants.  Now you may associate knitting with your grandma's handmade jumpers....these are a little more eye catching and it's quite amazing to see what people can do with some yarn and a couple of needles.  I'm always impressed by some of the more unusual pieces of art where the artists use materials you wouldn't normally think of making art with.  There are loads of incredible artists out there and I hope to bring you a handful of the more uncommon pieces!

Two of the knitters really stood out with their work, the first is Ruth Marshall, who knits a lot of animal skins, the sheer size and lifelike look to them from a distance made me think they were actually tiger skins!  After my initial shock I noticed a close up image and saw that they were knitted replicas.

Ruth's piece for the Botanic Garden's can be seen below, just think about the time spent to put a piece like this together!

The next artist must wield her knitting needles in special ways to achieve these super sized florals!  The detail and intricate patterns make them even more inspiring to look at.  Just fantastic work by Tatyana Yanishevsky!

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