
Monday, 2 June 2014

3 Important Newsletter Tips

I have had the item - Set up a newsletter - on my to do list for months and months, and have finally sat down and set it up! I've always signed up to other designers newsletters as they're a fantastic way of really getting to know these people a little better.  They will often give their readers exclusive deals, first pick on sale items and you get to know all the news first!

By looking at other designers newsletters I've got a good idea of what I want to put in mine and what I want to use it for, I've picked out a few tips that have helped me see how to make it better:

First of all, it is so important not to spam your readers, I've unsubscribed from newsletters in the past because it felt like I was getting bombarded with emails.  Some were trying to sell to me, all the time, which gets old very quickly and others were sent everyday and often said the same thing each time I received it!

So I've decided to go with once a month to begin with, it means I have all of the exciting news from a whole month to share with you.  Of course around exciting times, where I have a lot more news I would send them a little more frequently.

Secondly, DO NOT sell to them all the time!  I don't know about you, but I switch off as soon as I realise they are trying to sell me something.  This isn't to say don't include links to your products, a newsletter is a fantastic way to direct people towards your shop.  I like something interesting to read before being directed out of the email!

Lastly, the subject line is so important, it's the first thing your readers are going to see after all.  So what would make you want to open an email?  I've gone with mailchimp and I can set up several different types of newsletters which can focus on different types of readers.  For example, some of my subscribers are other designers, they may want to hear more about my work and tips for the design industry, compared with potential customers that will also want to hear about my work but will want to hear any new deals and products that will be launching.

It means you can tailor your newsletter to your readers by just slightly changing the layout and order of your newsletter. Which in turn will make them more likely to open and read them!

What will my newsletter include?

Each month will vary, they will all include a funny story or two, some new work and new news aswell as a little look at what is in store for the next month.  I want to really give you the exclusive scoop on what will be happening with Emma Frances before anyone else!  There will be a special deal (only for my subscribers!) each month and maybe even a freebie or two!

If you are feeling enticed and want to hear more about Emma Frances then I have a special deal the first month for my subscribers.  You will all get a downloadable weekly planner which will hopefully help you stay super organised!

What do you like to read about when you sign up to a newsletter?!

You can sign up to the Emma Frances design letter below!

Sign up now!

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